E-Aadhaar card is a password protected electronic copy of the Aadhaar
card, the 12-digit unique identity number which is digitally signed by the
competent authority of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), as
mentioned on UIDAI’s official website – uidai.gov.in. As per Aadhaar Act,
e-Aadhaar is equally valid like a physical copy of Aadhaar card for all
purposes, added UIDAI on its website. Residents can easily download the
e-Aadhaar card number by visiting UIDAI websites – uidai.gov.in or
eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in. Subscribers can also validate digital signatures in
e-Aadhaar, said UIDAI on its website.
Steps to download e-Aadhaar card:
Subscribers can download e-Aadhaar card by following two ways:
1. By Using Enrollment Number
a) Click on uidai.gov.in and go to ‘Download Aadhaar’ link or directly go to
b) Enter the 28 digit enrolment number provided during the time of applying
for Aadhaar card number
c) Enter your full name and pin code
d) Now, click on ‘Get OTP’ link. The OTP (one
time password) is received on your registered mobile number. Residents can also
use TOTP (temporary one time password) to download e-Aadhaar instead of OTP.
TOTP can be generated using mAadhaar mobile application.
e) After entering the OTP, you will be re-directed to your e-aadhaar. You
can now download your e-Aadhaar.
2. By Using Aadhaar Card Number
a) Click on uidai.gov.in and go to ‘Download Aadhaar’ link or directly go to
b) Enter the 12-digit Aadhaar card number
c) Enter your full name and pin code
d) Now, click on ‘Get OTP’ link. The OTP is
received on your registered mobile number.
e) Enter the OTP and you will be re-directed to
your e-aadhaar. You can now download your e-Aadhaar.